Photography Tips 24
It’s All in the Pose: Family Portrait Photos on Canvas
There’s a lot of advice floating around the Internet regarding family portraits, ranging from don’t do it to hire a professional to all sorts of advice on costuming, lighting, and how to get the kids to behave long enough to get one or two decent shots that can be turned into photos on canvas that are good enough for your walls.
Innovative Travel Photo Ideas for Awesome Canvas Printing
It’s no secret that we love to use our travel photos as decoration in both our private moments and our more public design elements in our homes. Photos of amazing sights, awesome beaches and accommodations, and our family having fun in exotic locations combine colour, light, and smiles into affecting and effective photography that’s ideal for turning into large-scale art via affordable online canvas printing.
Take a Step Back for an Awesome Pet Canvas Print
We love our pets. From the moment we feel that first purr, or the first time that wet nose is pushed into our hands, we’re in love. People who don’t keep pets often don’t understand how you can have such a powerful connection to an animal, but pet lovers understand - and it’s no wonder our phones and cameras and hard drives are filled with photos of our four-legged friends.
Getting the Perfect Kid Pics for Photos on Canvas
Everyone loves kids. Even people who say they don’t love kids have a soft spot for the little ones, and those people without children often adore the children of their friends and relatives. Their bright, smiling faces reflect so much hope and promise, so much unsullied enthusiasm and happiness they make us happy in turn.
Get Better Canvas Prints: Transform Your iPhone into a Real Camera
Photography is insidious: From the moment you have your first ‘real’ camera, whether a point-and-shoot model or just your first high-quality smartphone, you start evolving into a photographer. The more capability we have to take affecting and effective photos, whether for use as decorative canvas prints or just for our own enjoyment, the more ambitious we become in our artistic goals.
Ideas for Awesome Artistic Canvas Print Photography Subjects
A common complaint made by people who take up photography as a way to decorate their homes or offices by making an awesome canvas print from their photos is a lack of subject matter. Many people, when asked to come up with an idea for a great photo to put up on their walls draw a blank.
Photos for Canvas Prints Online: Clichés to Avoid
It happens every day: Someone gets their first ‘real camera’ or has an epiphany about the fancy new smartphone they received, and they decide they will from this point forward be a photographer. Nothing wrong with that – photography is one of the greatest hobbies ever conceived. The problem isn't even with the camera themselves, even if cheap DSLRs and smartphone cameras aren't ideal for taking great photos.
The Beginners Guide to Pet Photography
If you have a beloved pet it's likely that at some point you've attempted to take a great photo of them to add to the family album. But if the result turned out to be anything but great, don't worry - you're not alone. Animals are notoriously difficult to capture on film and even the most experienced professional can struggle with this subject.
Things to Consider for Canvas Printing of Product Photos
Taking photos of products for sale and turning them into high-quality, high-impact pieces of art via canvas printing is an increasingly popular marketing technique being used by businesses both large and small. While product photos are as old an idea as the camera itself, taking your products and turning them into beautiful pieces of art in your shop or offices elevates them beyond simply informative.
Mastering the Art of Family Portrait Photos on Canvas
The family photo is a subject that comes up a lot when discussing photos on canvas for the simple reason that it’s one of the primary things people wish to decorate their homes with. Adding the texture and quality of canvas to that very important image simply makes sense.