Whether you realise it or not, you’re part of an ancient thread of society that stretches back thousands of years. The traditions and customs you experience every day have evolved over centuries from ancient practices. While it’s true that if we could travel backwards in time we wouldn’t recognise most of the seeds that eventually became our modern ways, if we looked hard enough we’d see the thread, thin and fragile, that connects us to the past.
One thread that remains strong is gift-giving: The symbolic power of giving someone an item that celebrates or marks an occasion is one of the most primal and powerful human tendencies. Whereas a birthday present or wedding gift is fairly obvious, there are plenty of events in people’s lives that deserve a gift like high-quality and bespoke photos on canvas – events we don’t always think to mark. Here’s a few suggestions for big moments that deserve a big gift.
Photos on Canvas for Surviving
Anyone who has had a loved one get very ill knows that feeling of relief and joy when they emerge from it as that most special category of person: A survivor. Whether it’s cancer, some horrible viral infection, or an accident that left them severely injured, the days and weeks and months of worry and waiting are almost always just as hard on their friends and family.
When they come out of it not only alive but stronger than before, mark the moment with photos on canvas – perhaps a print of the x-ray that shows they are disease-free, or their discharge papers, or simply an image that symbolises their courage and their life.
The Empty Nest
Ask any parent: The moment the kids permanently move out of the house is bitter-sweet… but the moment you realise their old rooms can be turned into your dream space is mainly sweet. Kids are moving out later and later in life these days but that moment still comes – and it deserves to be marked just like any other achievement. After all, raising kids to the point where they actually get jobs and start their own lives is an achievement worthy of a beautiful gift!
The image could be an aspirational scene of the coming ‘downsizing’ home – a beautiful landscape that will soon be their view. Or it could be a rendering of the redesigned home as they finally get to renovate now that the kids are gone. Whatever image you choose, a canvas photo is a rich-looking gift that will be treasured even as it inspires.
Life is full of these moments – moments you might not initially think are worthy of a gift because they’re not necessarily part of the traditional calendar of gifting occasions, but which are just as important as a birthday or anniversary. Gifting tells those close to you that you’re paying attention, that their goals are your goals, and that every moment we’re alive is worth celebrating.
If you have an idea for turning an occasion into a Gifting Moment, choose your images and then click here, and we’ll handle turning them into gifts you’ll be proud to bestow on your loved ones.